Dr Tom O’Donnell
Tom graduated in Medicine from UCC, attaining a Diploma in Child Health and in Obstetrics subsequently. He graduated from the UCC Vocational Training Scheme in General Practice
and was admitted to membership of the Royal College of GPs and the Irish College of GPs. Tom joined the practice of the late Dr. Michael Herlihy in 1988 and succeeded him in the GMS in 1994. He has been Medical Officer at Dunmanway Community Hospital since 2001. Tom was a founder director of SouthDoc in 2001 and served as Chairman of the Board of Directors in 2004-2005 and Chairman of the West Cork Steering Committee of South Doc from 2000 to 2020. He is a tutor in General Practice for
undergraduate students of UCC.

Dr Deirdre Scully
Deirdre graduated from UCC in 1997. She has worked in General Medicine, Medicine for the Elderly, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Psychiatry and Emergency Medicine. She completed her Vocational Training in General Practice in Swansea in Wales.
Deirdre is a Member of the Irish College of General Practitioners. She has a special interest in Womens Health and Family Planning (including the fitting of coils and contraceptive implants).

Practice Nurse Kate O’Reilly
Kate joined the Practice in 2020. She graduated from the St Bartholomew’s School of Nursing in London in 1999 and went on to complete her Post Graduate Diploma in Intensive Care Nursing in UCD and a Masters in Nursing in UCC in 2010. Recently, Kate has worked in the community s transitioning complex care patients from the hospital to the home setting. Kate is a certified cervical smear taker and has a special interest in the management of cardiology and diabetic patients.

Administrator Ms Mary Colette Cronin
Reception & Administration

Administrator Ms Annie Daly
Reception & Administration

Administrator Ms Mairead O’Neill
Reception & Administration

Administrator Ms Kay Curtin
Reception & Administration

Administrator Ms Tracy Crowley
Reception & Administration